Apr. 11, 2022

Taste and Texture: Delicious Recipes for Baking with Gluten-Free Flour

The Good Flour Blog
Taste and Texture: Delicious Recipes for Baking with Gluten-Free Flour

You want to take the leap to make your body and your kitchen a gluten-free zone. Maybe you’ve realized your digestive issues stem from gluten intolerance and need to stop using highly processed flour derived from wheat in order to feel healthy.

Or maybe as someone who loves to cast a magic spell on new culinary delights, a gluten-free existence is a new type of cuisine to use for baking and cooking.

No matter your motivation for shifting to gluten-free options, you may have reservations about taste and texture when baking with gluten-free flour. It’s not too much of a stretch to say freshly baked bread with a crackling crust and chewy interior tastes divine or that the delicate crumb of a chocolate cake makes angels weep. Many of us think that baked goods make the world go 'round, so it is fair to say a little skepticism about gluten-free flour is in order.

But any worries you might have about taste and texture will be forgotten once you taste the incredible creations made from gluten-free flour.

What’s for Breakfast?

What do you crave the most when thinking about something home-baked for breakfast? Substituting gluten-free flour in your favorite healthy baking recipes will take away the wheat, but not the flavor. Use gluten-free flour for pancakes, muffins, and bread that makes the most delicious toast. Another great way to use gluten-free flour in a more savory dish is to create a delicious crust for any quiche.

What’s for Lunch…and Dinner?

Did we mention bread? Trading wheat flour for gluten-free flour will not create noticeable differences in the bread we love for sandwiches or alongside a hearty entrée. Gluten-free flour also lends itself to pasta, noodles, and dumplings. Your initial perception about switching flours might have caused a bit of worry about how to make this healthy food taste good, but rest assured that baking and cooking using gluten-free flour will stay true to your recipes every time.

Give it a go in the kitchen and try out this recipe for homemade pasta! Substitute flour for our artisan pasta flour.

What’s for Dessert?

Jumping from savory to sweet is essential for anyone who loves a treat to finish off a delicious meal. Your pastries, cakes, pie crusts, muffins, and cookies will still have a delicate texture combined with delicious flavor when using gluten-free flour. Cakes will still hold their shape and pie crusts will remain crispy yet tender. Try adding our artisan all-purpose baking flour to recipes that are gluten-free. Recipes like this chocolate cake will taste identical to the real thing!

A Few Things to Consider

Baking with gluten-free flour is a new food adventure taking place in your kitchen. And because time is precious and high-quality groceries are a significant part of any household budget, be prepared for a little experimentation as you become accustomed to your new staple ingredient.

Pay attention to the way your batter and dough feel. As ingredients are combined, you might notice subtle differences that won’t affect the finished product. And monitor progress during cooking or baking because small adjustments to time and temperature may be needed.

Because healthy baking recipes using gluten-free flour are at the forefront of transitioning to wheat-free cooking, there is an extensive supply of resources and products online and in grocery stores. There may now be as many reasons to go gluten-free as there are food choices and recipes to enjoy and discover how to make healthy food taste good with a simple ingredient substitute.


1 comment

Hi! This page says it has recipes. Where are they?


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